About Us


The company nerdytec was founded in 2011 by the two guys Roman Jean Charles Jakob and Chris Mut. Both are passionate gamers and at some point they got sick and tired of always being able to play computers at an uncomfortable desk. So they developed and worked on an idea to conquer the territory of the console players: the sofa.

The first versions of the legendary Couchmaster were created. At that time still made of wood, they developed further to the patented, current Couchmaster CYCON², the highlight of nerdytec. Also very popular were the Lapboard and the Couchmaster CYWORX, which was developed especially for laptops. Roman and Chris have made it their mission to revolutionize PC and console gaming and will continue to develop exciting versions with more and more interesting innovations for all gamers, no matter if you are a lover of racing games or shooters.

Chris Mut, founder of Nerdytec:

I am a person who has always had a certain enthusiasm for visual greatness in TV’s or even screens. So one day, when I finally had a 52″ television of my own, I decided to connect my computer to it. No sooner said than done – and despaired: The computer buzzed, the TV beamed, but there was no reasonable way to operate the system with mouse and keyboard without having to struggle with nasty back pain. But it was these back problems that moved me from the desk/chair to my cozy couch, true to the motto “Rather lie and walk than sit and stand”.

So, after long research and trying out various unimaginative “breakfast tables” and cheap lap boards, which by the way had the similar back-damaging effect, the strong desire to make it better was born. I called my friend, Roman Jakob, for advice and explained the initial situation: I had already put together a board as a support for the keyboard and mouse pad, as well as two square-shaped side cushions, on which the board found a stable position. Now it was time to develop the whole thing further to make it suitable for the living room. So we spent the whole autumn and winter of 2011 tinkering, testing, discarding and reworking. All this happened in our “Nerdroom” converted garage at my home, which was very suitable thanks to the 5 computers, comfortable sofas, screens, a screen and a refrigerator full to bursting with energy drinks.

When the Couchmaster was finally finished in an earlier version and we saw the open mouths of our friends, it was immediately clear to us: the world had been waiting for such a product. So the first step was done soon and we founded a company which we called “nerdytec”. Nerdy technology – technology for nerds and computer affine people.

That we should be right about our belief in a gap in the market was demonstrated to us at the first exhibition, a gaming contest called Benq Finals. Our booth with 4 Couchmasters including televisions and sofas was literally bombarded with people and queues were created to try out this new product. Even after the event was over, the enthusiasts could hardly be stopped from playing on our Couchmaster. Since then, we have continued to develop and expand the “Couchmaster” family with limited editions and notebook versions.

Always with a wink and the motto “Be the Couchmaster” we managed to make the Couchmaster known worldwide. But there is one thing we never forget: our customers, fans and friends. Service and support are very important to us and we are grateful for any feedback because we want to constantly improve ourselves and offer gamers the best opportunity to forget everyday life and immerse themselves with their friends in the cyber world.

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