Couchmaster® CYWORX
Lieferstatus: Jetzt vorbestellen! Versand 14.03.2025
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Total 144,90 EUR incl. VAT plus shipping
Weight: 4.6kg

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8 powerful advantages
1 Best choice when using wireless devices
2 Perfect for Notebooks up to 17"
3 Resource-saving packaging thanks to vacuum-sealed side cushions
4 Spacious board made of 100% natural, sustainable bamboo
5 Integrated universal tablet and smartphone holder
6 Large ventilation grille to ensure the perfect air circulation for the laptop
7 Power supply & accessories bag included on the pads
8 Including exclusive nerdytec mousepad 

The Couchmaster® Home office miracle

The premium couchdesk for notebooks

Focused work and comfortable gaming from the couch are now possible thanks to the unprecedented ergonomics of the patented Couchmaster® CYWORX.With its special ventilation grille, the Couchmaster® CYWORX ensures optimal cooling of the laptop or notebook up to a size of 17 inches.

Good for notebooks and good for the environment

As we do not only care about our users but also about our environment, we manufacture the Couchmaster® CYWORX from sustainable materials. The renewable bamboo gives the Couchmaster® a feather-light weight.

Maximum comfort and stable hold

The padded palm rests offer maximum comfort and the side cushions with a very pleasant leather-look upper material grant a stable hold. The Couchmaster® CYWORX comes with a large mouse pad, which is of course replaceable. It is suitable for use on the couch or even in bed. 
Just lean back and enjoy the ultimate gaming experience or relaxed working from your couch or bed.

An accessory with many possibilities

The Couchmaster® CYWORX is the all-rounder among couch desks and offers many comfort functions. With its extra pocket for the power supply as well as a side pocket for accessories, it keeps things tidy. To ensure that the mouse doesn’t get lost and is always protected when not in use, Couchmaster® CYWORX has a practical mouse pocket as well as an innovative plug-in system for attaching additional accessories in the future. A tablet holder including an adapter for all common tablet sizes rounds out the user experience.

Perfectly ergonomic

From an ergonomic point of view, the Couchmaster® CYWORX is particularly recommendable. Physiotherapist Roland Kellerbach from Cologne-Germany comments: “From a health point of view, I can say that the Couchmaster® offers the best ergonomic way to use your PC/laptop from the couch. The wide cushions relieve the shoulder and neck muscles during use, which effectively prevents tension.”

As the graphic illustrates, the Couchmaster® enables a back-friendly sitting position. Health concerns can thus be completely eliminated.

Couchmaster® Laptop varieties

Couchmaster® CYWORX

Simple and classy - Perfect as a lapdesk

Couchmaster® comparison table

 Alt Text: CYCON2_Comparison_tableCYCON2_Comparison_table  Alt Text: CYPUNK_Comparison_tableCYPUNK_Comparison_table  Alt Text: Titan_Comparison tableTitan_Comparison table  Alt Text: CYBOT_Comparison_TableCYBOT_Comparison_Table  Alt Text: CYWORX_Comparison_tableCYWORX_Comparison_table  Alt Text: MiniComparisonPicture_CYPINKMiniComparisonPicture_CYPINK  Alt Text: CYBOSS_Comparison_TableCYBOSS_Comparison_Table  Alt Text: Lapboard_Comparison_TableLapboard_Comparison_Table



TITAN Edition






Cushion/ Color Alt Text: Cycon2Black-GreyMaterial1500Cycon2Black-GreyMaterial1500 Alt Text: CypunkMatzerialSGCypunkMatzerialSG Alt Text: Cycon2TitanMaterialSGCycon2TitanMaterialSG Alt Text: CybotMaterialSGCybotMaterialSG Alt Text: CyworksMaterial2SGCyworksMaterial2SG Alt Text: CYPINK_MaterialCYPINK_Material Alt Text: CybossMaterialSGCybossMaterialSG
Optimized for cables
USB ports 6 6 6 6
Fan grill for notebooks
Tablet Holder
Compatible with

PC / PS 4 / PS 5 / XBOX

PC / PS 4 / PS 5 / XBOX

PC / PS 4 / PS 5 / XBOX

Wireless / Notebooks

Wireless / Notebooks

Wireless / Notebooks

Wireless / Notebooks

PC / PS 4 / PS 5 / XBOX

Max. Seat area

Up to 29,5 in

Up to 29,5 in

Up to 29,5 in

Up to 27,6 in

Up to 27,6 in

Up to 27,6 in

Up to 33,5 in


Further information

  1. Cushion dimensions (LxWxH): 23,6 x 7,9 x 6,3 in
  2. Dimensions of the support (without palm) (LxWxH): 75 x 33 x 1.5 cm
  3. Material: fabric, bamboo
  4. Maximum inside distance between cushions: 70 cm
  5. Color versions: Gray
  6. Dimensions of the mouse pad: 300mm x 260mm x 3mm

  1. Bamboo surface
  2. Two side cushions
  3. Mouse bag
  4. Mousepad
  5. Universal tablet mount
  6. Installation manual

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